Another instalment in the reality show of Jack Jacob Milner (or his alter ego JJMSports) has come to new turbulence, with more challenges, drama and juggling than the Moscow State Circus.
I apologise for the lack of words last month, but it has come to be rather challenging dealing with all the things that incorporate life, for a rather immature, 23-year-old who lives in a semi-permeable bubble. Recent events have led me to ask and answer what is important in life and, as such, I’ve had to decide that what is important is what is in the bubble, not what is out of it. What is in must take priority – this is a more selfish approach to life.
This may sound quite deep for an angry, frustrated, blinkered Yorkshireman, and I am not sure if I approve of this. Anyway, the long and short of such a borderline philosophical statement is that I had a fantastic opportunity to work for a large company in London, with brilliant prospects. But, personal problems and incidents with my family gave me a different perspective. I had my brother survive what could have been a fatal car crash and have a grandmother who has been whisked in and out of hospital more times than Jamie Oliver whisks an omelette. As such, it would be quite unfair and frankly schmucky to just up and leave.
If such incidents occurred when I was all the way darn saarf, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. Therefore, the decision-making process was easy for me, especially as the life I have is actually not that bad.
My main love is sport, so life’s easy at the moment just as things are. I’ve discussed the pros and cons of staying in my current job at the bookmakers, and the possibility of getting a ‘proper job’ and ‘growing up’ and, in all honesty, I really don’t see the point of changing things.
Lots of friends and family are having children, getting married, following careers, paying mortgages etc, and frankly nothing would scare me more. While I am still able to, I will chase the dream to be a sports writer, or at least some form of broadcast journalist. But the lifestyle I currently have includes being able to throw more darts than your average pub team, play football (badly), engage in the most colourful banter with pensioners and other folk who enter the bookmakers, while still be within an arms reach of friends, family and the local.
Growing up? I’m 23, have an emotional maturity of someone 15, a view on life of someone 18, and financial stability of someone 17.
Until things change, I’ll keep living the dream.
The Yorkshireman – Jack Milner @JJMSports
great blog, wholeheartedly agree with your approach. It's clear you'll be a success wherever to choose to lay your (flat) cap so enjoy it - life's too short for anything else x