Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Prospects August 2011 Blog

Is a dream job ‘Too good to be true?’

When something such as a dream opportunity crops up, there are two distinct trains of thoughts that transmits through ones brain. The first is jubilance, fantastic news, I have worked hard for such an opportunity, I deserve this, I will give it my all, something along the lines of the traditionalist Yorkshire traits that I have become accustomed to. The other thoughts are those of the typical Brit (A Brit cannot be confused to a Yorkshireman). Those thoughts involve self-doubt, worry, the generally wariness of ‘if something appears too good to be true, it usually is’, and the glass isn’t half empty, it is a mere speck of condensation. As people may have gauged through these blogs, or a therapists wet dream as I often think of them as, I am a fan of sport. Actually, that is a lie, I love sport. I also like punting, much in the same ilk of poker, not necessarily the money aspect, the vindication of analysis and correct decision making. The warm glow and subsequent strut of putting in my tipping article a 10/1 winner, and being able to gloat much like the cat who has got the cream, and is now supping like the Greeks are manufacturing (or not) the stuff.

To cut a long story short, there is a current position available at the prestigious racing post. The position is described as a ‘Social Networker’, which I think is fancy talk of saying you post messages on their facebook, twitter, e-mails and website trying to start and engage in discussions about racing and sports. Perfect, right? Well I hate to say, my father pointed out to me a few months ago, this working world and the negativity and pessimism seems to have got to be, and I am not so much of the happy go lucky person who was much like Teflon say 3 years ago, now I seem a lot more of a worrier, filled with more negativity than a Sir Alex Ferguson press conference. Instead of the giddy excitement, much like leading up to the Cheltenham Festival (I know I am sad, but oh well), I have the scepticism and caution that would approach a rectal examination with a questionable practioner.

I will most likely apply, as it would be a dream of mine, paid to write about something I love. The job description urges people to apply who have writing experience, a passion for sports, a blog, a website and a social media history; luckily for me, I seem to tick every box., and then some, as well as a varied and chequered history; all for the right reasons though I might add, I don’t know, there just isn’t the buzz that I thought there would be when seeing it.

I definitely don’t want to stay where I am; there is no long term prospect for what I want to be doing, or where I want to be going. Then again, would I be able to adapt to the hustle and bustle of London? Stay tuned, same bat-time, same bat-place.

The Yorkshireman, Jack Milner

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